‘Beltmaster’ Hydraulic Conveyor Belt Cleaner

Greatly Increased Efficiency & Profitability

  • Reduce maintenance time and maintenance costs
  • Reduce wear and tear on expensive conveyor belts
  • Prolong the life of conveyor belt joints by all but eliminating carryback spillage

The new Beltmaster® range of hydraulic programmed conveyor belt cleaning systems is now available.

Beltmaster® has the following benefits:

  • Constant blade pressure – forever!
  • 100% self-adjusting- maintenance free for the life of the blade- normally 2 to 6 years.
  • Auto Park® – another great idea! The cleaner automatically parks off the belt when not needed i.e. when the belt is running empty. The result? No unnecessary wear and tear on the belt cleaner!
  • Clip-Skipper® – The cleaner skips over metal fasteners, enabling the use of this very efficient, low maintenance cleaner on belts with metal fasteners!
  • Joint Jumper® – a variation of the Clip-Skipper. The cleaner ‘jumps’ over vulcanised joints, dramatically prolonging the life of joints and removing the ‘old chestnut’ which causes joint failure
  • All systems retrofit
  • This technology is also available for tracking problems

NEW* The Track Master® range of conveyor belt tracking systems – effectively deals with any tracking problems known to us! Available in mechanical mode.

PLUS* The new Hydrotrack® electro hydraulic belt steering system. Designed for the most demanding and complex problems.

Can We Help?

We would like to offer you a free site survey with a report and recommendations. We offer a pro rata payment plan where if you accept our recommendation you only pay the full price when we achieve our promised results.

We can work with you to achieve the planned maintenance program by making components last longer by the strategic use of hard metals/ceramics.

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