Induction Brazing

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Manufacture of components including the applications of Sintered Tungsten Carbide Platelets to produce Wear Resistant component parts.

We specialise in Blades and Scrapers for the Bulk Materials Handling Business.

What Makes Us Different

With our optical pyrometer and computerised induction equipment we can control the cycle time precisely to ensure 100% repeat-ability

We have been doing induction brazing for 25 years and are fully equipped to cover preparation, brazing & finishing by grinding / shot blasting.

Common Customer Objectives

Our customers work with us because they are interested in:

  • Consistent product with a reliable bond
  • Accurate production with a minimum of clean-up
  • Quick turnaround without compromising quality
Induction Brazing
Frequently Asked Questions

700 degrees celsuis max with a controlled temperature gradient, hold and controlled cooling.

It depends on the section of the component. In extreme cases we will pre-bend components to anticipate distortion.

Our Offer To You

Operating a bulk material handling plant is an expensive business made more difficult by excessive down time and costly maintenance. It is important that the best possible equipment and materials are used to minimise these difficulties which is where Hoverdale’s area of experience lays.

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