Special Steels & Wear Plate Applications

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Hoverdale have used wear plate in all manner of industrial applications & for the following industries:

  • Quarries
  • Mines
  • Cement Plants
  • Steel Works
  • Docks

The applications for special steels are limitless. We’ve combined our 40+ years of experience into the applications you can see down the left hand side of this screen. If you would like to know if special steels can be applied somewhere else, the answer is generally ‘yes’ Give us a call & we’ll be happy to help you out.

Special Steels & Wear Plate

Ball Mill End Plate Overlay


Bullhead Rail Overlay


Chute Overlay


Clinker Chute Liner Overlay


Transfer Point in Chute Overlay


Digger Bucket Overlay

Discharge Chute Overlay

Elevator Rail Overlay


Grab Overlay


Hopper Overlay


Impact Plate Overlay

Mixed Paddle Blade Overlay


Navvy Bucket Overlay

Vibrating Feeder Tray Overlay


Pan Mixer Liners

Screw Conveyors

Our Offer To You

Operating a bulk material handling plant is an expensive business made more difficult by excessive down time and costly maintenance. It is important that the best possible equipment and materials are used to minimise these difficulties which is where Hoverdale’s area of experience lays.

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