Nearly Half Of Food Packaging ‘Not Easily Recyclable’

A recent study found that the average percentage of packaging, including plastic, glass and cardboard, which could be put in recycling bins was just 52%.

9, , , , , a:1:{i:0;s:8:”defaults”;}, conveyor belt cleaners, Nearly Half Of Food Packaging ‘Not Easily Recyclable’, A recent sudy found that the average percentage of packaging, including plastic, glass and cardboard, which could be put in recycling bins was just 52%., A new investigation carried out by consumer watchdog Which? has found that a lot of the packaging from major supermarket chains in the UK, including Lidl, Tesco, Waitrose, Aldi and Sainsbury’s, isn’t easily recyclable.

The study found that the average percentage of packaging, including plastic, glass and cardboard, which could be put in recycling bins was just 52 per cent. And 42 per cent of all supermarket packaging was either labelled incorrectly or not at all.

Morrisons was found to be the biggest culprit with regards to the amount of packaging that could not easily go in the recycling bins at home, with many items coming with non-recyclable plastic film.

Waitrose and Tesco, meanwhile, were found to be the best when it came to recyclable packaging, with just 40 per cent of it not easily recycled.

“Our research shows there is a lot more supermarkets and manufacturers can do to banish single-use plastics and make sure any packaging they do use is minimal, recyclable and correctly labelled, so that shoppers know exactly how they can recycle it.

“To reduce the waste that goes to landfill, the government must make labelling mandatory, simple and clear as well as invest in better infrastructure to ensure that recycling is easy for everyone, regardless of where they live,” head of home products and services with Which? Natalie Hitchins said.

In an interesting move, meanwhile, parent company of recycling company Viridor the Pennon Group has just announced a new project that will see non-recyclable waste create electricity at one of its facilities in Bristol, used to power a new £65 million plastic recycling plant… so perhaps more innovation will come out like this in the near future to help us deal with the issue of recycling and waste being sent to landfill.

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